Activities & Surrounds

Activities near Camping E Canicce

Camping E Canicce
A breath of mountain air

Mountain activities near camping E Canicce

Please feel free to ask us for advice on activities nearby. Asco Valley and Asco Gorges are ideal settings for mountain and outdoor sports aficionados, with activities such as: amazing hikes along the famous GR20 trail, canyoning, via ferrata routes, the mountain sheeps' house, trout fishing, turtle village, the "U Valdu" peat bog, as well as the ecopark, which offers detailed discoveries of the valley's fauna and flora. Just one stay here will not be enough to see it all.

Camping E Canicce
Camping E Canicce
Camping E Canicce
Camping E Canicce
by the sea

There's more than mountains to discover: 20 minutes away, Balagne and its white sandy beaches unfold, with their festive summer atmosphere, festivals (Lama Film Festival, Calenzana Symphonies), and many water-based activities. Definitely worth a visit!

Camping E Canicce
Camping E Canicce
Authentic Corsica

Discover a different side of Corsica, from our campsite

This traditional pastoral region boasts numerous natural wonders; the landscape changes in the blink of an eye, from arid plains to mountain settings. Visiting the island's interior, a true conservatory of the island's soul, is a chance to discover another Corsica, both beautiful and mysterious, of villages clinging to the mountain sides, torrents spanned by Genoese bridges, as well as customs and culture.

Camping E Canicce
Camping E Canicce
Camping E Canicce
Camping E Canicce
Camping E Canicce
Camping E Canicce
Camping E Canicce
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